Making plants smarter using RNA-based technologies
In APOLO Biotech
We develop RNA-based technologies, an outstanding GMO-free approach offering versatile solutions to boost productivity while conserving and harnessing the wide variety of local landraces.
Our Team
We are a diverse and inclusive research team with an outstanding scientific track record and a common goal: reaching sustainability through science
Co-Founder & CEO | Business & Agtech
Co-Founder & CSO | Plant RNA Biology & Biochemistry. CONICET Researcher
Martín Crespi, PhD
Plant RNA Biology Specialist Director IPS2 - CNRS Resercher
Natalia Cobos
Communication & Marketing
Ayelén Porto, PhD
Tech Transfer
Francisco Rossi, Ing
Planning and Control
Marina Heis, Ing
Carlos Dezar, PhD
Regulatory Affairs & Project Manager Plant Development and Stress
Carolina Attalah, PhD
Lab Manager Litoral & Project Manager Plant Development and Stress
Gabriela Conti, PhD
BioProduct Designer CONICET Researcher
Lucia Ferrero, PhD
BioProduct Designer CONICET Fellow
Adrian Perez Rubin, PhD
Division Leader in Nanotechnology RNA Stabilization and FoodTech
Natanael Mansilla, PhD
Enzymatic Engineering CONICET Fellow
Diego Zavallo, PhD
Bioinformatics INTA Researcher
Diana Gras, PhD
Project Leader
Plant Development and Stress
Florencia Mammarella
Project Leader
Plant Development
Florencia Legascue
Project Leader
Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stress
Nicolas Gaggion, PhD
Project Leader
AI for Phenomics
Nahuel Villarreal, PhD
Sr. Research Assistant
Melanie Segovia, Undergrad
Jr. Research Assistant
Uriel Navarro, Undergrad
Science Intern
Juan Pablo Fabroni, Undergrad
Science Intern
Dabel Franco, Master
PhD Student
Valeria Berros, PhD