Over the years the control and management of crop diseases have been based heavily on the application of a broad diversity of synthetic pesticides, including insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides; in spite of the environmental and health damages caused by the extensive use and exposure of these chemical substances like the resurgence of the pest population, resistance development, non-tar- get organisms, and of course potential health risks to farmers, rural populations, and consumers. Thus, the design of novel, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for crop improvement and pest control is urgently needed. In APOLO Biotech we develop RNA-based technologies, an outstanding GMO-free approach offering versatile solutions to boost productivity while conserving and harnessing the wide variety of local landraces.
Pest gene silencing. Applicable to: Fungal and viral plant pathogens
(and potentially bacteria, insects and nematodes).
Active Principle
dsRNA designed against essential genes of a broad spetrum of fungal pathogens and viruses
Plant modulation. Applicable to: Endless possibilities include addressing biotic and abiotic stresses, enhancing organoleptic properties, and more.
Active Principle
At APOLO, we’ve harnessed the power of stabilized RNA technology to create what we call the “vaccine effect” for plants. Just like a vaccine primes the immune system, our innovation activates crops’ natural defenses against pathogens, keeping them healthier and more productive. It’s a breakthrough solution for sustainable and resilient agriculture.
Up to 65% of severity reduction archieved with APOLO technology

Federico Ariel was one of the five UNESCO-Al Fozan awardees 2023 for young scientists in STEM
Noncoding RNAs have emerged as major components of the eukaryotic transcriptome.
Genome-wide analyses revealed the existence of thousands of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) in crops and model plant species. Plant lncRNAs are involved in a wide range of regulatory mechanisms impacting on gene expression, including chromatin remodeling, modulation of alternative splicing, fine-tuning of miRNA activity, and the control of mRNA translation or accumulation (Ariel et al., 2015).
In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the Ariel lab has shown that the APOLO (AUXIN REGULATED PROMOTER LOOP RNA) was implicated in epigenetic and chromatin conformation dynamics.
APOLO regulates the transcriptional activity of its neighboring gene PID by modulating the local 3D chromatin conformation (Ariel et al., 2014), and a plethora of target genes across the Arabidopsis genome, by sequence complementarity and DNA-RNA duplex (R-loop) formation (Ariel et al., 2020).
The Ariel lab also showed that APOLO regulates the response to low temperatures
The Ariel lab also showed that APOLO regulates the response to low temperatures by interacting with the transcription factor WRKY42 (Moison et al., 2021 and Martínez-Pacheco et al., 2021). More recently, APOLO was also linked to the morphogenic response of the plant to warmth. Strikingly, the role of APOLO was mimicked by the human lncRNA UPAT when expressed in Arabidopsis. APOLO and UPAT interact with homolog protein partners, hinting at common lncRNA integrated epigenetic machineries across kingdoms (Fonouni-Farde et al., 2022). In 2023, The Ariel lab demonstrated that the lncRNA can be applied as an exogenous epigenetically active molecule to modulate hormone homeostasis and the response of the plant to the environment (Mammarella et al., 2023).
We find the biology of APOLO fascinating and we’ve decided to name our company after it!
Read more about the science behind APOLO
Visit the Google Scholar Profile of our CSO, Dr. Federico Ariel.

Our Team
We are a diverse and inclusive research team with an outstanding scientific track record and a common goal:
reaching sustainability through science
- C team
- Business team
- Scientific team
- Associated Researchers

Natalia Cobos

Francisco Rossi

Vanesa Vegetti

Plant Development and Stress
Carlos Dezar

Plant Development
APOLO Researcher
Florencia Mammarella

Plant Biotic and Abiotic Stress
APOLO Researcher
Florencia Legascue

Plant Development and Stress
Carolina Attalah

Plant Abiotic Stress & Virosis
APOLO Researcher
Lucia Ferrero

RNA Synthesis
APOLO Researcher
Natanael Mansilla

Bioinformatics and Omics Integration
APOLO Researcher
Diego Zavallo

Maximo Rivarola

AI for Phenomics
APOLO Researcher
Nicolas Gaggion

Plant Development and Stress
Diana Grass

Plant RNA Biology & Biochemistry
CNRS Researcher
Martín Crespi

Computer Vision
CONICET Researcher
Enzo Ferrante

Plant Bacteriosis
CONICET Researcher
Gabriela Conti

Environmental Law
CONICET Researcher
Valeria Berros
Our Values
Environmental responsibility
Environmental responsibility

Sustainable Development Goals

Zero hunger

Good health and well-being

Responsible consumption and production

Climate action

Life on land
Communication and Press
Latest updates in news. In this space, we provide a detailed overview of the most recent achievements, strategic partnerships and significant developments we are working on.


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We would love to hear from you.
Feel free to reach out using the form below or directly via email to info@apolobiotech.com.ar
APOLO welcomes you without regard to your race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, or presence of disabilities.
APOLO – Puerto de la Innovación
Parque Tecnológico Litoral Centro Santa Fe
Ruta Nacional 168 km 0 (colectora)
CP 3000 – Santa Fe – ARGENTINA
Pabellón IFIBYNE – Ingreso costanera norte
Av. Costanera Rafael Obligado
Ciudad Universitaria CABA
Buenos Aires – ARGENTINA